The VBS children of LifeHouse Church in Middletown, DE raised funds to build a Water Reservoir at our FLMK Manyatta Headquarters. It has enabled our school Triumphant Grace Academy to have access to precious water for all of our children. It also has made available water for our local church families and an outreach to the people in Maragoli.
May God abundantly bless all of these VBS children and everyone who contributed to this sustainable water project that will supply water for years to come!
We traveled to all 7 of our churches when my daughter, Dawn came on her 7th trip to Kenya. She conducted Children Crusades along with our people loving these precious children. The 2 Women’s Conferences were a great help to our women in the surrounding villages. I believe we had 700+ children and 200+ women. To God be all the Glory!!!!
The day we had with our children at TGA was so rewarding. Seeing these children receiving the love of Christ from our staff. Helping with the Porridge Program was something you have to be there to understand. For many of these children this is the only meal they will eat that day.
We thank each one of you who have contributed to make this happen!!!
January 7th was a great day as we opened Triumphant Grace Academy for its 6th year! We added Grade 4 and now have 90 students in our ECD classes through Grade Class 4. Pastor Don Mayes from Covenant of Peace USA joined Bishop Chivington to enjoy being with our students and staff.
Making a difference by teaching, training, discipling and loving our people has been and will continue to be ongoing until Christ’s return…
These projects were God’s provision which enabled us to labor for His glory and our people in Kenya…
God enabled us for His glory!
Take a look:
Five Children’s Crusades – 457 Children
Women’s Conferences –
Kidinye & Mailisaba
Discipleship Training Series
Conferences – Lukhuna & Bissel
This year in the first 3 1/2 months, we have 78 new graduates in one of the 4 series of FLMK Discipleship Training. We give all the glory to our God that 2018 has already been more fruitful than the entire year of 2017. God is moving among those who truly love Him and are obedient in following Him!
We held Pastor / Wife Conferences at Malava and Mailsaba to allow all to attend. Solid biblical teaching on pastoring and the challenges we face in Kenya were explored for 2 full days…
[Click on each pic below for more pictures]
Our Leadership Conferences, at Manyatta and Mailisaba were of great help to our leaders. Learning transformational leadership skills is equipping our leaders to fulfill their vital positions in our churches.
We were continuing to construct the new church building at Kamwingi in January when God intervened for His people…
JUNE… Construction continues at FLMK Mailisaba Worship Centre. The walls are now up and the next phase is the floor. If you are interested in helping to provide the much needed funds, please contact us.
JULY… FLMK National Women’s & Children Director Dawn Chivington Pastor Donald Williams came to Kenya July 6th – 20th bringing much joy to those they served.
We graduated 8 in our Discipleship Series II & III at Manyatta Worship Centre and our Youth group’s drama brought conviction and touched many hearts… Mungu ni mwaminifu !!!
JUNE… Construction continues at FLMK Mailisaba Worship Centre. The walls are now up and the next phase is the floor. If you are interested in helping to provide the much needed funds, please contact us.
JULY… FLMK National Women’s & Children Director Dawn Chivington Pastor Donald Williams came to Kenya July 6th – 20th bringing much joy to those they served.
We graduated 8 in our Discipleship Series II & III at Manyatta Worship Centre and our Youth group’s drama brought conviction and touched many hearts… Mungu ni mwaminifu !!!
JANUARY 2017 At our school Triumphant Grace Academy, God enabled us to add Standard Class 2. Now we have 67 precious children learning, being loved and nurtured. We are trusting God to provide funds to continue to build, so that these children, some orphans, some Muslim, all of them His creation, will have a hope and a future.
MARCH 2017 Because of God’s faithfulness, we began construction on a permanent brick church at Kamwingi on March 18th! Our people there have faithfully been worshiping in their timber / canvas church. They committed to making 7,000 bricks as their contribution and Covenant of Peace Church in Fort Wayne IN provided the initial funds to put the church under roof. We are praying for the rest of the funds to complete the structure with windows, doors and a floor with altar.
Month of June:
One of the many village homes we visited in Maragoli area, some miles north of Kisumu. God added 22 to His Kingdom during these 5 days of evangelism!
A few of the pathways we traveled to accomplish the mission God had laid out for us.
Month of July:
Our National Women & Children’s Director, Dawn Chivington lead our Children’s Crusade in Manyatta which touched the lives of many, many children. This year puppets which were donated by BT Church in McAllen, TX. held the attention of our children as they learned that if Jesus is with you, then even fear has no hold on you!
Later, Dawn along with local health officials, conducted a very successful Women’s Conference at our Manyatta Worship Centre. The women who attended were blessed as they received much information of healthcare, clean water, disease control and other important topics.
We traveled to the eastside of Kenya near Kitale where Dawn led our youth of Mailisaba church to help in the Children’s Crusade there. The children as well as our youth & adult workers had a wonderful time filled with crafts, puppets, games and learning about Jesus!
Dawn along with local health officials from Kitale had a great Women’s Conference at our Mailisaba Worship Centre. The women received information of healthcare, clean water, disease control and discussed other important topics to help their families.
This was the 2nd baptism at Mailisaba this year. Our church congregation is growing quickly here and we praise God for His faithfulness in an area with has much opposition to the Truth.
Month of August:
Traveling to the western side of Kenya near Mwingi, we found that this region had not received rain since April, over 3months! The children were very eager to participate in our Kamwingi Church Children’s Crusade…
Having a water baptism sometimes needs some creativity. Since the rivers were dried up we had to have water carried in, then we dug our baptismal on our property a little distance from the church structure. Mungu ni mwaminifu! God is faithful!
Later at the end of August, we baptized 18 of our members from Manyatta Worship Centre, north of Kisumu. It was a great day as over 100 of our congregation gathered after our worship service to join with those being baptized!
God is doing some amazing things in the lives of many…
(Click on each pic to view more pictures)
FLMK Youth Conferences –
{Click above for pics} Mailisaba – Youth Conf. On Dec.11th 17 children & Dec.12th 18 youth enjoyed worship, teaching and Bible Jeopardy. The competition was very competitive with the winners receiving their awards on Sunday. Our children & youth are learning much about the Bible, Jesus & His Kingdom!
{Click above for pics}Manyatta – 3 day Youth Conference Friday the 18th our youth enjoyed worship, teaching on “Learning to Follow to Lead” and then dinner around a campfire. Saturday morning started at 5:30am praying at Morning Glory, then showers & breakfast. Next we had 2nd series teaching followed by lunch. The afternoon was filled with Bible Jeopardy competition! Later more worship,praise and dinner. That night our youth dealt a fatal blow by “burning” many problem as they prayed through around the campfire! Only eternity will reveal what God accomplished that night!!! Sunday Service was wonderful with much praise going to Jesus & later our winning teams received their awards. We had 47 youth!
Triumphant Grace Academy
Our 2015 ECD class has been successful !!! We graduated 17 students into Standard One for the school year 2016. Of the three feeder schools for Standard One in our area, TGA placed the #1 top ranked student in two of the three school! All the Glory to God…
Our people, young & old are growing in their relationships with our Savior and Lord, Yesu Kristo (Jesus Christ). Through the mandate to go make disciples, we recorded a small portion of what God is doing in His people in Kenya.
Maggie is 9 yrs. old and is pursuing her diploma in New Life In Christ at FLMK Mailisaba Worship Centre. Our youngest child is 4 yrs old and our oldest adult is 64 yrs. old.
Mama Hope recites 9 of 12 memory verses that were required for her NLC Discipleship diploma. Since her conversion from being a Muslim, Mama Hope is excelling in the Word that has set her free. Her husband also previously a Muslim, has led others to Christ through deliberate evangelism being equipped through FLMK’s Discipleship program.
Hope is 4 yrs. old and she is the daughter of Mama Hope.
God is preparing warrior disciples for His last days army, who know Him and know His Word. It’s time to fight. Unless we “know” Him, “love” Him and become “skilled” in His Word, we will fall on the battlefield and our hands will be empty when we stand before Him. Full Life Ministry Kenya is dedicated to Matthew 28:19-20
FLMK 2015 Pastor/Wife Conference – On July 9th our pastors and their wives traveled to Kitui to spend 3 days together with Bishop Kenny & National Women’s Director Dawn Chivington. Bishop Kenny met with our Pastors teaching on their responsibilities as husbands and Dawn ministered to all the women on their role as a wife. Then, all met together for more teaching on Christian marriage and leadership in the church. We all enjoyed an awesome time of drawing closer in our relationships to each other and to Yesu(Jesus). We want to say a special “Thank You” to our Sister Lucy for sacrificing her time to come and be our interpreter.
FLMK CHILDREN CRUSADES – We gathered pictures from our churches so you could have a glimpse at what our 2015 FLMK Childrens Crusades looked like at Kamwingi, Mailisaba & Manyatta Worship Centres. We had a total of almost 600 children in these crusades. They learned scripture, made crafts, were taught about sin, Christ and salvation then played games and enjoyed a snack time. We thank Dawn Chivington for all her labors to make these crusades a success. We also want to thank the BT Church in McAllen, TX. USA for providing all the crafts for our children! We thank Mungu(God) most of all for His faithfulness as over 300 of these children trusted Christ as their savior!!
We praise God for all that He has enabled FLMK to accomplish in the last few months. Mungu ni mwaminifu!(God is faithful!) As you view these pictures, we believe you too will agree that the God we serve is awesome…
FLMK Mailisaba Worship Centre
Bishop Kenny & Pastor Shadrack baptized 11 on April 4th adding to the 13 that were baptized this past November. God is growing His church that was planted just ten months ago. Each Sunday service now has 50-60 worshippers.
The congregation of FLMK Mailisaba Worship Centre dedicated their new land on April 12th. In the future they will be building a new church building. For now, they planted maize and are expecting a bountiful harvest later this fall.
On April the 12th we celebrated the opening of our new Worship Centre. The day was filled with praise, worship, preaching with over 200 people. We completed the celebration with much food and fellowship. Thank you, Jesus
Construction began December 8th 2014 on the new building for Manyatta Worship Centre. The foundation was completed in late December and the walls were completed before the end of January. Much excitement continues as we begin to roof this building which will be used for worship, teaching, discipling and much more. God has shown Himself to be faithful as His children seek to follow Jesus’s mandate to “go make disciples”.
We had started construction of a new home for pastor James Masila this past July. It has been a long journey, but Pastor Masila and his family have moved into their new home. Only God could “make a way” to bring this blessing to a family who has served their Lord and Savior faithfully in the face of much adversity. The pictures below were taken in November when we were planning how to finish the inside of their home.
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FLMK Mailisaba Water Baptism service.
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FLMK Mailisaba Sunday Worship
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FLMK Manyatta – New Land
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The 1st ever Children Crusade held at Manyatta, Kenya!!!
Manyatta Crusade June 19th – 22nd
Land purchase for Kamwingi Church
June 9th 2014 will be a day remembered by many as God graciously allowed Full Life Ministry Kenya (FLMK ) to begin. There was much celebration in the hearts of those who now are free to serve God among their own people.
We praise God that He has allowed us to continue serving the people in Kenya by establishing this ministry. We move forward in His Truth, by His power and led by His Spirit.