
      {FLMK is a 501c3 organization}ZELLE has no fees: [956-578-2683 Kenneth Chivington] and please email (fulllifeministrykenya@gmail) to indicate purpose of donation.Check or Money Order see below:

We know God is our source for everything. What has been accomplished, we give all the glory to God. God works through His people and those who are not yet part of His family…

100% of your donation is used for your desired purpose…

Click on “Donate” to support any of these vital needs.

If you can not commit to the total cost, you may share in the project or sponsorship in any dollar amount.

Your donation will be used  as you request.

    {FLMK is a 501c3 organization}You may also send your donation by check, money order or cash. (Cash sent through the mail is not recommended)       Make check or money order payable to:FULL LIFE MINISTRY KENYA  1219 Vera Cruz Street Mission TX 78572

Please enclose your full address to ensure proper credit for tax deduction purposes. If you have any questions, please contact us at:                                   [email protected]

Thank you and may God Bless You
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